Welcome to In This Together Wounds
Topic: Wound Care
Over 80 years of commitment to the care of wounds
Topic: Wound Care
The different types of wounds and why their cause matters
Topic: Types of wounds
Learn all about how wounds heal with DIY!
Topic: Healing
Why your wound isn’t healing as expected and what to do
Topic: Delayed healing
Getting the moisture balance of your wound just right
Topic: Moisture balance
Get your wound dressed for success!
Topic: Dressings
How to change your dressing like a professional
Topic: Dressing Change
Diane’s story: healing a pressure ulcer
Topic: Patient story
Wound infection: what to look for and what to do
Topic: Infection
Author(s): David Gray
Eat your way to good health and wound healing
Topic: Nutrition
Your wound questions answered
Topic: Q&A
Move to improve: how exercise can help your health
Topic: Exercise
Take time to relax for wellbeing and wound healing benefits
Topic: Relaxation
It’s time to quit smoking to benefit your health
Topic: Smoking
Test your wound care knowledge: true or false?
Topic: True or false
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